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Falcone & Segars Present on the Importance of Clear Upjohn Warnings at 2017 NCADA Winter Workshop

Jeremy M. Falcone

Thomas H. Segars


On January 27, Jeremy Falcone and Tom Segars presented a Practice Group session at the North Carolina Association of Defense Attorneys 2017 Winter Workshop held in Durham, NC.

The session, Warn and Be Forewarned: The Importance of Clear Upjohn Warnings, covered appropriate Upjohn warnings when interviewing a company’s employees and highlighted cases involving faulty Upjohn warnings. Jeremy and Tom were able to provide attendees with practical guidance on how to avoid similar situations, risking a loss of control over the company’s privilege.

The North Carolina Association of Defense Attorneys is a professional organization comprised of attorneys and paralegals who primarily represent clients in civil litigation matters. The organization works to develop professionalism and competence of its members, and to

January 31, 2017 Thomas H. Segars
Posted in  General