Stephen Feldman Speaks on Key Supreme Court Decision for Occupational Licensing Boards

Ellis & Winters
On Thursday, May 30, Ellis & Winters partner Stephen Feldman presented a CLE program in Raleigh to occupational-licensing attorneys and professionals concerning North Carolina Acupuncture Licensing Board v. North Carolina Board of Physical Therapy Examiners, a significant decision on administrative law issued by the Supreme Court of North Carolina in December 2018.
Ellis & Winters represented the Physical Therapy Board in the case. The Supreme Court’s decision affirmed a declaratory ruling by the Physical Therapy Board that North Carolina law permits physical therapists licensed in North Carolina to perform a treatment called dry needling. Mr. Feldman argued the case to the state supreme court in April 2018.
A copy of the Supreme Court’s decision can be found here. The brief that Ellis & Winters filed in the Supreme Court by the Physical Therapy Board can be found here.
Mr. Feldman concentrates his practice in complex litigation, antitrust, and appeals. He is a founder and chief editor of What’s Fair?, a blog on the law of unfair and deceptive trade practices