Brian Flatley is Litigation Support Manager at Ellis & Winters. He provides direct consultation and technical solutions to the firm’s attorneys and clients throughout the litigation lifecycle. Additionally, he consults with firm attorneys and clients on developing an appropriate scope and strategy for e-discovery, including proper methods of data preservation, collection, processing, production, and review.
Because of Brian’s expertise and efficiency in consulting on and solving complex e-discovery problems, Ellis & Winters can regularly avoid the need to engage expensive e-discovery vendors. This provides additional value for the firm’s clients as well as greater efficiency.
Brian can also process electronic data, design, implement and supervise large scale document reviews, utilizing technology assisted review in various e-discovery platforms, and develop and execute trial presentation plans. He is a Certified E-Discovery Specialist (CEDS) with the Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists (ACEDS). He received his undergraduate degree cum laude from the George Washington University in 2000.