Presentation on Litigating Section 75-1.1 Claims in the North Carolina Business Court

Ellis & Winters
Last Friday, the Mecklenburg County Bar presented its Fourth Annual North Carolina Business Court CLE. The program featured a panel discussion by the North Carolina Business Court judges, as well as programs on the proposed revisions to the Business Court Rules, a review of recent Business Court decisions, and advice from mediators on best practices for resolving Business Court disputes.
In addition to these talks, Matt Sawchak presented at the Business Court CLE on litigating claims under section 75-1.1 in the Business Court.
The presentation covered several issues that we’ve analyzed in this blog, including:
- the different types of section 75-1.1 claims,
- per se violation of section 75-1.1,
- the relationship between the Trade Secrets Act and section 75-1.1,
- fee awards for “unwarranted refusals to settle” section 75-1.1 claims,
- the employment exemption from section 75-1.1.
The PowerPoint slides for the presentation can be downloaded here. As always, we welcome your feedback on these slides and on what topics would be beneficial to cover in future presentations.