Kelly Margolis Dagger Stephen D. Feldman By Stephen Feldman & Kelly Margolis Dagger I. Introduction For in-house counsel who drafts and enforce arbitration agreements, trying to keep up with the fast-moving landscape of arbitration law is a significant challenge. Over the last several years, the United States Supreme Court has issued three major decisions […]
Attorney: Kelly Margolis Dagger
Kelly Margolis Dagger Ellis & Winters is pleased to announce that Kelly Margolis Dagger has been elected to the North Carolina Bar Association Appellate Practice Section Council. Ms. Dagger will serve a three-year term beginning in July of 2015. About Kelly Margolis Dagger Ms. Dagger focuses her practice on commercial litigation, appeals, and criminal defense. She […]
Kelly Margolis Dagger By: Kelly Margolis Dagger If you use Westlaw or LexisNexis for legal research, you are familiar with the red flag or the stop sign—frequently your first hint that a case has been overruled, reversed, or superseded. If you run a search that brings up a long list of cases, some […]
Kelly Margolis Dagger Ellis & Winters is pleased to announce that Kelly Margolis Dagger has been named to the board of directors of the SPCA of Wake County. Ms. Dagger will serve a three-year term beginning in April. Ms. Dagger has taken an active interest in the legal issues associated with animal welfare since […]