“The ACC” stands for more than a sports league. It’s also the Association of Corporate Counsel. In February of this year, I gave a talk to the RTP Chapter of the organization on the law of unfair trade practices. Here’s a link to my slides from this presentation. I’ve also […]
Last year, I spoke on section 75-1.1 at a CLE program sponsored by the Antitrust and Complex Business Disputes Section of the North Carolina Bar Association. I’ve attached my slides here. I’ve also embedded them below. In the presentation, I addressed three perennially unsettled topics under section 75-1.1: the meaning of unfairness (as […]
People often ask us how to stay on top of this field. (We know that they’re implying the phrase “besides reading your blog.”) We read a lot of different types of material, as you can imagine. But as for blogs, here are some that we monitor and find especially useful: […]
Pick a random case from, for example, the North Carolina Business Court’s online docket. The complaint and any counterclaims probably allege a violation of North Carolina’s “unfair and deceptive trade practices” statute, N.C. Gen. Stat. § 75-1.1. Why is section 75-1.1 so important? First, the statute’s broad wording—“unfair and deceptive”—creates […]